Because of the dynamics and the rate at which many prophetic words are being given and are coming to past; this page will be frequently updated.  Please check back,  if you desire to further engage prophetic news and reviews, available here.   Heaven knows and records all the actions of men, before they may know.  Prophecy is both absolute and conditional.
     Prophetic  NEWS And REVIEWS
  Historical References       of the Prophetic

Numbers 12:6... If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him
 in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.

Amos 3:7   The Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets.

​Ephesians: 4:11 He gave some to be apostles and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers....

Revelation 19:10  The testimony of Jesus/ Yeshua is the spirit of "prophecy"....

What God has said;... what God will do.

True prophecy is the Spirit  and the witness of Yeshua; referenced by the Old and New scriptural recordings.
                                       What is Prophecy?

Prophecy is the revealing of information from God, in the Spirit from heaven, to a human individual or many people about events that will take place on earth, in the world.  Prophecy comes, is sent from God to encourage, to warn ,to serve notice to mankind about His view of their actions; to impart or render His conclusive determination about a matter or actions of which they may or may not have known, or even forgot that God was in fact watching.  Prophesy is God saying "I am watching, I am aware; have an opinion, and /or I have made a decision.  This revealing comes many times without expectation to those affected.  This revealing may and many times comes by a person unrelated to the matters the people or matters addressed.  If God is about to reward, honor or uplift a person; to cause tragic events, detriment of harm to an individual or persons: He will not proceed without first commissioning an individual to serve notice., to warn.  God will employ a process server, a courier to first notify the person, or people that He has made a decision and is about to bring actions that will affect the person, people and or their immediate surroundings. True prophetic words are in fact  Gods words and if they are true, [not made up] they must come to pass; the same hour, day, weeks, months or years.  It will come to pass.  But  first, He will relay the coming of events to ones He has chosen as the Prophet voices.
  The  Prophetic News being made available on this page may have come as early as today, last week, last month, one or many years ago.  The information may and many times are confirming what God has imparted through and by other prophetic voices many of whom may not or do not know each other.  I have found this to be the case in many instances when prophecies have be revealed about a person, place or situation.   God can and does speak to many about many of the same issues occurring on earth and He will do so without needing the permission of any of His created beings.  God is a totally  sovereign ruler, needing no oversight.
Examples of the prophetic are thoroughly evident in biblical history; this is true history.
.. He holds the entire world in His Holy Hands.
                                                    -Psalm 24:1,2
 PROPHECY is God talking; are you LISTENING to Him ?

The Lord has urged us to use our voices to "CRY aloud, spare not, lift up the voice like a trumpet"              -Isaiah 58:1
 Entries of Prophecies now confirmed, coming!

   Prophets are born of men and women the usually way.  Many Prophets grow into the gift, although the desire, even the capacity to prophesy is given before and at the time of birth.  A person, man or woman will grow up the usual way and then on a given day, God may just start to talk with them;  They may hear the voice of God and simply began to follow the voice.  A person may be born with night-sight, known as a dream or day-sight, visions while one is awake.  Prophets are born and made, by the sovereignty of God; at the time God decides

  Because God has already determined prior to birth, and has gifted a person to be able to speak forth the future,  a person becomes aware of the propensity to "know" things before they happen or may dream of events, only to find out later that what was dreamed has come to pass.  After the first, second, even the third occurrence of this, a person simply begins to pay more an to that gifting, than their normal overt daily lives; then the gift of the prophetic will grow and flourish.  

If God is calling a person to an expansive prophetic calling, a person will be brought into even more relational, exclusivity, so that there gifting is not hindered by common daily distractions, affairs of daily life that will cause dissipation to the process of prophetic growth.  Prophetic people are comfortable with and prefer being alone.

A clear example of the prophetic development of a person can be read in the story of Samuel; [1 Samuel chapters 1 thru 7.]  In this story can be seen the story of  a man's total immersion into prophetic life; before, during, after his birth and into the totality of his human life, unto death.


How Are Prophets Developed?

Minor Prophets are people who are used by God to speak forth what Heaven is saying but are only used a short time; even once to speak forth words from heaven; God ordered information.

False Prophets are people who make up information, that they may even assume God gave them, then pass that information to others.   Self -Made prophets also just make up information out of the air and tell that info to others, as if God gave it to them.  

Psychics, sometimes gifted to read your mind, even see into the future of a person, using the gift God gave them, but will not, refuses to acknowledge or submit to God and the work of the Holy Spirit in their life; acting "as-if" the gift is of their own origin  Many Psychics use their gift for money.  They may believe in heaven, but will not be going there.
​ Minor Prophets, False Prophets, Psychics